What To Eat Immediately Postpartum

As women, we tend to put our personal physical health on the backburner during times of busyness or stress. While this is common, it is completely counterproductive, as those draining and high-intensity times are when our bodies require fuel the most!
During postpartum, new mothers must nourish their new, tired bodies with rich, healthful, and enjoyable foods. Doing so will allow their bodies to heal and recover in a way that would be extremely difficult otherwise.
Are you an expecting or brand-new mom looking for information about what foods to eat during the postpartum period? If so, welcome! Making postpartum nourishment a goal can feel overwhelming- you are not alone in that! This goal is well worth it and will improve your quality of life for years to come. You are in the right place! In this article, we will explain the following topics:
- Global themes for postpartum healing
- The intercultural emphasis on “warmth”
- Specific foods to include in your diet (and why)
- PLUS the most important thing to remember as you venture on this journey!
SPOILER ALERT! While you will get a great idea of how to nourish your postpartum body through this article, the tried and true step-by-step guide is available in lessons through The Postpartum Wellness Revolution Membership! To learn more about this program, read to the end of this article.
Recurring Themes for Postpartum Healing Around the World
Cultures around the world have unique practices that take place to honor a woman after she has given birth. Let’s take a look at some of the recurring themes when it comes to diet:
Korea- In commitment to keeping the new mother warm, she is served Miyeokguk, a seaweed soup with a variety of meats, three times per day. Icy foods are banned from her consumption until the end of “the fourth trimester” (approximately 6 weeks postpartum).
Moldova- A special chicken soup is served regularly, with the intent of keeping the mother warm and enhancing her breast milk production.
Shanghai and Hong Kong- Women are served medicinal soups immediately after birth.
China- Hospital guests bring hot chicken soup as a gift, allowing the mother to rest instead of cook, as well as to reap the benefits of warmth.
In case you didn’t notice, there is one recurring dietary theme shared by all of these cultures: an emphasis on warmth.
While there is no scientific evidence that warming a healing postpartum body will make a dramatic difference in recovery, warmth is thought to support the following:
- Improved circulation
- Slowed production of adrenaline hormones
- Regulation of estrogen and progesterone
- Sense of overall well-being
Foods to Nourish Your Postpartum Body (and how to incorporate them!)
We have compiled a list of different foods to incorporate into your diet. Under each listing, you will find a short description and piece of advice regarding the recommended food.
- Soups, stews, broths, stewed fruit
These are easily digested, easy-to-prepare foods that support the warmth ideology! Dishes like these warm the whole body from head to toe, encouraging healing, comfort, and improved circulation.
- High-quality fats stirred into everything
What is high-quality fat? Think high-quality oils and butter. Keeping a high-quality, non-refined, extra-virgin olive oil on hand will come in handy, as it pairs well with many dishes. Consider incorporating these oils by using them to fry eggs, make stir-fry, or roast vegetables.
- Seeds, nuts, and oils
These nutrient-dense snacks are a must-have in your postpartum pantry. Rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, they will keep you full and feeling satisfied. High in calories, these items are great for on-the-go nourishment.
- Warming spices
Ginger, nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, etc. These ingredients truly imply warmth… not only are they typically used in warm dishes like soups or baking, but the aroma alone offers a sense of familiarity and comfort.
- Naturally fermented non-alcoholic beverages
Kombucha and Kefir, anyone? These beverages have been thought to detoxify the body and regulate hunger. Also thought to ward off high blood pressure and cardiac issues, these immunity-building drinks can be sipped on all day long.
- Warm milk (raw or nut)
These kinds of milk are bursting with probiotic enzymes that will be beneficial to both your immune system and digestive system.
- Herbal infusions/ teas/ tonic
Again, this item leans into the emphasis on warmth and its postpartum benefits. Experiment to find the tea concoction that warms your soul and embrace it as much as possible.
And more! For a complete list of nourishing foods to implement as part of your postpartum journey, The Postpartum Wellness Revolution will be your guide.
The Most Important Thing to Remember
Listen to your body. Take this sacred time to connect and foster a relationship with your new body (that has given you so much!). Honor your cravings, energize your mind, and fuel yourself. Our bodies have a way of speaking to us and sharing with us when things are out of balance. It may be hard to hear with all the changes that your body is experiencing, but taking the time to listen can change your life!
For a complete, step-by-step breakdown of everything you need to know about not only diet but all things postpartum, check out The Postpartum Wellness Revolution. This incredible program is perfect for postpartum moms who are looking for practical advice across a wide range of topics.
This program will allow you to take control of your life, and become the healthiest and most confident parent you can be for your little bundle of joy.
If you are not 100% confident in the steps you should take to replenish all the nutrients that are lost during childbirth...
If you're unsure of what it takes to come to deep, restorative healing after your baby arrives...
If you want to know what you need to do to avoid coming postpartum issues like hair loss, depression, hormone imbalance, and autoimmune issues...
If you don't feel 100% confident in your postpartum health recovery...
Check out the Postpartum Wellness Revolution Membership hub!
Happy warming, preparing, and nourishing mama! You've got this!
-Kilah xoxo
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